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LVMH RETAIL CAREER DAY 0 27 2022.11.11 08:30
브랜드명(한글) : 엘브이엠에이치
브랜드명(영문) : LVMH
브랜드홈페이지 :

기업명 : LVMH
기업소재지 : 서울 강남구 삼성로 511 골든타워
기업보유브랜드 : 명품,LVMH,럭셔리,리테일
기업홈페이지 :

일반전화 : 비공개
채용담당자 : 이주환
부서명 :
휴대전화 : 비공개

분야 : 구두/피혁/잡화류
세부분야 :
매장구분 : 백화점
세부매장구분 : 본사직영점 / 정상매장

모집인원 : 0
모집직책 :
경력 : 무관
경력년수 :
급여 :

근무지 : 서울
근무지역구 : 강남구
근무지상세 :
근무지상세2 :
지하철 :

고용형태 : 정규직,계약직,인턴직,아르바이트
근무요일 : 요일협의
근무시간 : ~
복리후생 :
우대사항 : 없음
자격증 :
외국어 : 없음
고용우대 : 없음

지원방법 : 온라인입사지원
접수기간 : 2022.11.24
제출서류 : 이력서자기소개서
시간분 : 20221111082931
이메일 : 비공개

기업소개 : The world leader in luxury, LVMH has since its founding in 1987 deployed a business model marked by creative momentum and a constant quest for excellence. The Group drives long-term momentum to develop its 75 Maisons, respecting their distinctive identities. Throughout the world they are all ambassadors of our vision of a refined art de vivre.“Our Maisons at LVMH have always championed and embodied a refined art de vivre. Indeed, the very expression art de vivre, which our Maisons so ardently promote, perfectly encapsulates all that they have embodied for our customers for centuries as privileged partners of this passionate and ever-evolving quest for sophistication and elegance.”Bernard ArnaultCreated in 1987, the LVMH Group today comprises more than 75 exceptional Maisons, each of which creates high-quality products. It is the only group present in all five major sectors of the luxury market: Wines & Spirits, Fashion & Leather Goods, Perfumes & Cosmetics, Watches & Jewelry and Selective Retailing. LVMH currently employs over 175,000 people across the world and reported sales of 64.2 billion euros in 2021.Over the centuries, our Maisons have carefully preserved and enhanced their tangible and intangible heritage by resolutely focusing on the quality of their products and services. Vertical integration across the value chain cultivates this excellence both upstream and downstream, from sourcing of the finest raw materials to production and selective retailing. This model guarantees the excellence of our products over time. Our products are designed to last from generation to generation, aligned with our vision of a truly timeless art de vivre.Website
보유브랜드 : 명품,LVMH,럭셔리,리테일
기업주소 : 서울 강남구 삼성로 511 골든타워
근무지주소 : 서울 강남구

샵마넷 채용공고 이미지
샵마넷 채용공고 이미지
샵마넷 채용공고 이미지
샵마넷 채용공고 이미지본 정보는 매장관리 판매직 취업플랫폼1위 샵마넷 에서 제공합니다.
